Contents of Vol. 43

AHEARN, JAYNE N., AND ALAN R. TEMPLETON. Interspecific hybrids of Drosophild heteroneura and D. silvestris. I. Courtship success ...347

ALEXANDER, HELEN MILLER. An experimental field study of anther-smut disease of Silene alba caused by Ustilago viodacea: Genotypic variation and disease incidence ...835

ALLENDoRF, FRED W. Oxford surveys in evolutionary biology. (review) ...1338

ANDERSON, GREGORY J., AND DAVID E. SYMON. Functional dioecy and andromonoecy in Solahum ....204

ANDERSON, JAMES B., STEVEN S. BAILEY, AND PATRICIA J. PUKKILA. Variation in ribosomal DNA among biological species of Armillaria, a species of root-infecting fungi ...1652

ARCHIE, JAMES W., CHRIS SIMON, AND ANDREW MARTIN. Small sample size does decrease the stability of dendrograms calculated from allozyme-frequency data ...678

ARCHIE, JAMES W. Phylogenies of plant families: A demonstration of phylogenetic randomness in DNA sequence data derived from proteins ...1796

ASHLEY, MARY V., AND CHRISTOPHER WILLS. Mitochondrial-DNA and allozyme divergence patterns are correlated among island deer mice ...646

AUSTIN, GEORGE T., AND PAUL A. OPLER. The butterflies of Costa Rica. (review)...705

AviSE, JOHN C. Gene trees and organismal histories: A phylogenetic approach to population biology ...1192

AYALA, FRANCISCO J. The biology of populations. (review)...697

BAKER ROBERT J., SCOTT K. DAVIS, ROBERT D. BRADLEY, MEREDITH J. HAMILTON, AND RONALD A. VAN DEN BUSSCHE. Ribosomal-DNA, mitochondrial-DNA, chromosomal, and allozymic studies on a contact zone in the pocket gopher,Geomys ...63

BARRETT, SPENCER C. H., MARTIN T. MORGAN, AND BRIAN C. HUSBAND. The dissolution of a complex genetic polymorphism: The evolution of self-fertilization in tristylous Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae) ...1398

BAYNE, BRIAN L. Ecological physiology: A lack of focus, a confusion of goal?(review) ...919

BELHASSEN, E., L. TRABAUD, D. COUVET, AND P. H. GOUYON. An example of nonequilibrium processes: Gynodioecy of Thymus vulgaris L. in burned habitats ...662

BELL, MICHAEL A., CHRISTINA E. WELLS, AND JAMES A. MARSHALL. Mass-mortality layers of fossil stickleback fish: Catastrophic kills of polymorphic schools ...607

BENKMAN, CRAIG W. On the evolution and ecology of island populations of crossbills ...1324

BERCOVITCH, FRED B. Body size, sperm competition, and determinants of reproductive success in male savanna baboons ...1507

BIERBAUM, TODD J., LAURENCE D. MUELLER, AND FRANcisco J. AYALA. Density dependent evolution of lifehistory traits in Drosophila melanogaster ...382

BIERZYCHUDEK, PAULETTE. Environmental sensitivity of sexual and apornictic Antennaria: Do apornicts have generalpurpose genotypes? ...1456

BOOKSTEIN, FRED L. Comment on a rate test ...1569

BOURKE, ANDREW F. G. Comparative analysis of sexinvestment ratios in slave making ants ...913

BULL, J. J., AND CRAIG M. PEASE. Combinatorics and variety of mating type systems ...667

BULL, J. J., AND E. L. CHARNOV. Enigmatic reptilian sex ratios ...1561

BDRGER, REINHARD, Gi~NTER P. WAGNER, AND FRANZ STETTINGER. How much heritable variation can be maintained in finite populations by mutation-selection balance ...1748

BURTON, DAVID W., JOHN W. BICKHAM, AND HUGH H. GENOWAYS. Flowcytometric analyses of nuclear DNA content in four families of neotropical bats ...745

CACCONE, ADALGISA, AND JEFFREY R. POWELL. DNA divergence among hominoids ...925

CAMPBELL, DIANE R. Measurements of selection in a hermaphroditic plant: Variation in male and female pollination success ...318

CAMPBELL, DIANE R., AND NICKOLAS D. WASER. Variation in pollen flow within and among populations of Ipomopsis aggregata . ..1444

CARSON, H. L., K. Y. KANESHIRO, AND F. C. VAL. Natural hybridization between the sympatric Hawaiian species Drosophila silvestris and Drosophila heteroneura ...190

CHANG, HWEIYU, AND FRANCISCO J. AYALA. On the origin of incipient reproductive isolation: The case of Drosophila albornicans and D. nasuta ...1610

CHARNOV, ERIC L. Evolution of the breeding sex ratio under partial sex change ...1559

CHEVERUD, JAMES M. A comparative analysis of morphological variation patterns in the papionins ...1737

CODELLA, SYLVio G., JR., AND ROBERT C. LEDERHOUSE. Intersexual comparison of mimetic protection in the black swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polyxenes: Experiments with captive Blue Jay predators . . 410

COHAN, FREDERICK M., ARY A. HOFFMANN, AND TODD W. GAYLEY. A test of the role of epistasis in divergence under uniform selection ...766

CONNER, JEFFREY. Densitydependent sexual selection in the fungus beetle, Bolitotheruscornutus ...1378

COYNE, JERRY A., AND H. ALLEN ORR. Patterns of speciation in Drosophila... 362

CREASE, TERESA J., DAVID J. STANTON, AND PAUL D. N. HEBERT. Polyphyletic origins of asexuality in Daphnia pulex. 11.Mitochondrial DNA variation...1016

CRESPI, BERNARD J., AND FRED L. BOOKSTEIN. A pathanalytic model for the measurement of selection on morphology . ..18

CRUZ, ALEXANDER, AND JAMES W. WILEY. The decline of an adaptation in the absence of a presumed selection pressure. ..55

DELPH, LYNDA F., AND CURTIS M. LIVELY. The evolution of floral color change: Pollinator attraction versus physiological constraints in Fuchsia excorticata. ...1252

DENSMORE, LLEWELLYN D., 111, JOHN W. WRIGHT, AND WESLEY M. BROWN. MiTochondrial DNA analyses and the origin and relative age of parthenogenetic lizards (genus Cnemidophorus). II. C neomexicanus and the C tesselatus complex ...943

DENSMORE, LLEWELLYN D., 111, CRAIG C. MORITZ, JOHN W. WRIGHT, AND WESLEY M. BROWN. MitochondrialDNA analyses and the origin and relative age of parthenogenetic lizards (genus Cnemidophorus). IV. Nine sex lineatus group unisexuals ... 969

DODD, DIANE M. B. Reproductive isolation as a consequence of adaptive divergence in Drosophila pseudoobscura ...1308

DOEBLEY, JOHN. Molecular evidence for a missing wild relative of maize and the introgression of its chloroplast genome into Zea perennis ..1555

DONOGHUE, MICHAEL J. Phylogenies and the analysis of evolutionary sequences, with examples from seed plants ...1137

DOWLING, THOMAS E., GERALD R. SMITH, AND WESLEY M. BROWN. Reproductive isolation and introgression between Notropis cornutus and Notropis chrysocephalus (Family Cyprinidae): Comparison of morphology, allozymes, and mitochondrial DNA ...620

DUNCAN, KATHLEEN E., CONRAD A. ISTOCK, JULIA BELL GRAHAM, AND NANCY FERGUSON. Genetic exchange between Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheni formis: Variable hybrid stability and the nature of bacterial species...1585

ECHELLE, ANTHONY A., AND PATRICK J. CONNER. Rapid, geographically extensive genetic introgression after secondary contact between two pupfish species (Cyprinodon, Crypinodontidae) ...717

ECHELLE, ANTHONY A., THOMAS E. DOWLING, CRAIG C. MORITZ, AND WESLEY M. BROWN. MitochondrialDNA diversity and the origin of the Menidia clarkhubbsi complex of unisexual fishes (Atherinidae) . ..984

ETGES, WILLIAM J. Divergence in cactophilic Drosophila: The evolutionary significance of adult ethanol metabolism . ..1316

FEDER, JEFFREY L., AND Guy L. BUSH. A field test of differential hostplant Usage between two sibling species of Rhagoletis pomonella fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) and its consequences for sympatric models of speciation ...1813

FERRARI, JAMES A., AND KARAMJIT S. RAL Phenotypic correlates of genome size variation in Aedes albopictus . ..895

FLEMING, IAN A., AND MART R. GROSS. Evolution of adult female life history And morphology in a Pacific salmon (Coho: Oncorhynchus kisutch) ....141

FuKUI, H. HENRY, AND MARK H. GROMKO. Female receptivity to remating and early fecundity in Drosophila melanogaster ...1311

GALEN, CANDACE. Measuring pollinatormediated selection on morphometric Floral traits: Bumblebees and the alpine sky pilot, Polemonium viscosum ...882

GALLOWAY, KAREN S., AND BRUCE GRANT. Reverse sexratio adjustment in an apparently outbreeding wasp, Bracon hebetor ...465

GIBBS, H. LISLE, AND PETER R. GRANT. Inbreeding in Darwin's Medium Ground Finches (Geospiza fortis) ...1273

GOLDMAN, DAVID, P. RATHNA GIRI, AND STEPHEN J. O'BRIEN. Molecular genetic distance estimates among the Ursidae as indicated by one and two-dimensional protein electrophoresis ...282

GOLENBERG, EDWARD M. Migration patterns and the development of multilocus associations in a selfing annual, Triticum dicoccoides ...595

GOOD, DAVID A. Hybridization and cryptic species in Dicamptodon (Caudata: Dicamptodontidae) ...728

GORI, DAVID F. Floral color change in Lupinus argenteus (Fabaceae): Why should plants advertise the location of unrewarding flowers to pollinators? ...870

GOULD, STEPHEN JAY. A developmental constraint in Cerion, with comments on the definition and interpretation of constraint in evolution . ..516

GROSBERG, RICHARD K., AND JAMES F. QUINN. The evolution of selective aggression conditioned on allorecognition specificity . ..504

HALE, DAVID W. A reevaluation of chromosomal variation in populations of Peromyscus maniculatus along an elevational gradient . ..226

HALL, BRIAN K. The shape of things to come. (review) ...1571

HANKEN, JAMES. Development and evolution of the neural crest. (review) ...1337

HASEGAWA, MASAMI, AND HIROHISA KiSHINO. Confidence limits on the maximum-likelihood estimate of the hominoid tree from mitochondrial DNA sequences ...672

HEBERT, PAUL D. N., MARGARET J. BEATON, STEVEN S. SCHWARTZ, AND DAVID J.STANTON. Polyphyletic origins of asexuality in Daphnia pulex. I. Breeding system variation and levels of clonal diversity ...1004

HENDRIX, STEPHEN D., AND E. JOSEPH TRAPP. Floral herbivory in Pastinaca sativa: Do compensatory responses offset reductions in fitness?...891

HERBERS, JOAN M. Insects behaving in society. (review)...1125

HEYWOOD, JOHN S. Sexual selection by the handicap mechanism ... 1387

HONEYCUTT, RODNEY L., AND PAT WILKINSON. Electrophoretic variation in the parthenogenetic grasshopper Warramaba virgo and its sexual relatives ...1027

HOULE, DAVID. The maintenance of polygenic variation in finite populations ...1767

INOUYE, DAVID W. An evolutionary basis for pollination ecology. (review) ...1573

JAENIKE, JOHN. Genetic population structure of Drosophila tripunctata: Patterns of variation and covariation of traits affecting resource use ...1467

JONES, Ross, AND DAVID C. CULVER. Evidence for selection on sensory Structures in a cave population of Gammarus minus (Amphipoda)...688

KALISZ, SUSAN. Fitness consequences of mating system, seed weight, and Emergence date in a winter annual, Collinsia verna . ..1263

KATAKURA, HARUO, MIYUKI SHIOI, AND Yumi KIRA. Reproductive isolation by host specificity in a pair of phytophagous ladybird beetles ...1045

KELLEY, STEVEN E. Experimental studies of the evolutionary significance of Sexual reproduction. V. A field test of the sibcompetition lottery hypothesis . ..1054

KELLEY, STEVEN E. Experimental studies of the evolutionary significance of Sexual reproduction. VI. A greenhouse test of the sibcompetition hypothesis ...1066

KING, LYNN M., AND BARBARA A. SCHAAL. RibosomalDNA variation and distribution in Rudbeckia missouriensis ...1117

KIRKPATRICK, MARK, AND RUSSELL LANDE. The evolution of matemal characters...485

KOHN, JOSHUA R. Sex ratio, seed production, biomass allocation, and the cost of male function in Cucurbita foetidissima HBK (Cucurbitaceae) . ...1424

KOJOLA, ILPO, AND EUA ELORANTA. Influences of maternal body weight, age, andparity on sex ratio in semidomesticated reindeer (Rangifier t. tarandus)...1331

KOZLOWSKI, JAN, AND STEPHEN C. STEARNS. Hypotheses for the production of Excess zygotes: Models of bethedging and selective abortion ...136

KREBS, ROBERT A., AND THERESE A. MARKOW. Courtship behavior and control of reproductive isolation in Drosophila mojavensis ...908

LAMB, TRIP, JOHN C. AviSE, AND J. WHITFIELD GIBBONS. Phylogeographic patterns in mitochondrial DNA of the desert tortoise (Xerobates agassizi), and evolutionary relationships among the North American gopher tortoises ...76

LEMEN, CLIFF A., AND PATRICIA W. FREEMAN. Testing macroevolutionary hypotheses with cladistic analysis: Evidence against rectangular evolution . ..1538

LEUCHTMANN, ADRIAN, AND KEITH CLAY. Experimental evidence for genetic variation in compatibility between the fungus Atkinsonella hypoxylon and its three host grasses ...825

LEVIN, DONALD A. Proximitydependent crosscompatibility in Phlox ...1114

LEVIN, DONALD A. Inbreeding depression in partially selffertilizing Phlox ...1417

LIVELY, CURTIS M. Adaptation by a digenetic trematode to local populations of its snail host ...1663

LivEzEY, BRADLEY C. Flightlessness in grebes (Aves, Podicipedidae): Its independent evolution in three genera ...29

LOBO, JORGE A., M. A. DEL LAMA, AND M. A. MESTRINER. Population differentiation and racial admixture in the Africanized honeybee (Apis mellifera L.).. ...794

L6PEZFANJUL, CARLOS, AND ANGELA VILLAVERDE. Inbreeding increases genetic variance for viability in Drosophila melanogaster . .. 1800

LOSOS, JONATHAN B., SHAHID NAEEM, AND ROBERT K. COLWELL. Hutchinsonian ratios and statistical power . ..1820

LYNCH, JAMES F. Community ecology of salamanders. (review) ...1127

LYNCH, MICHAEL. Phylogenetic hypotheses under the assumption of neutral Quantitative-genetic variation ...1

LYNCH, MICHAEL, KEN SPITZE, AND TERESA CREASE. The distribution of Life-history variation in the Daphnia pulex complex . ..1724

MALLET, JAMES, AND NICHOLAS H. BARTON. Strong natural selection in warning color hybrid zone. ..421

MARTENS, PAUL M., MARCO C. CURINIGALLETTI, AND PATRICK VAN OOSTVELLT. Polyploidy in Proseriata (Platyhelminthes) and its phylogenetic implications. 900

MCCALL, CLAIRE, THOMAS MITCHELLOLDS, AND DONALD M. WALLER. Fitness consequences of outcrossing in Impatiens capensis: Tests of the frequency dependent and sibcompetition models ...1075

McDONALD, JOHN H., AND JOSEPH F. SIEBENALLER. Similar geographic variation at the Lap locus in the mussels Mytilus trossulus and M. edulis ...228

MICHOD, RICHARD E. Darwinian selection in the brain. (review) ...694

MITTON, JEFFRY B. Natural and sexual selection. (review) ...1339

MITTON, JEFFRY B., AND WILLIAM M. LEWIS, JR. Relationships between genetic variability and lifehistory features of bony fishes . ..1712

MORAN, G. F., 0. MUONA, AND J. C. BELL. Acacia mangium: A tropical forest Tree of the coastal lowlands with low genetic diversity . ..231

MORITZ, CRAIG C., JOHN W. WRIGHT, AND WESLEY M. BROWN. Mitochondrial DNA analyses and the origin and relative age of parthenogenetic lizards (genus Cnemidophorus). 111. C velox and C exsanguis ...958

MORITZ, C., S. DONNELLAN, M. ADAMS, AND P. R. BAVERSTOCK. The origin and evolution of parthenogenesis in Heteronotia binoei (Gekkonidae): Extensive genotypic diversity among parthenogens . ..994

MOUSSEAU, TIMOTHY A., AND DEREK A. RoFF. Adaptation to seasonality in a cricket: Patterns of phenotypic and genotypic variation in body size and diapause expression along a cline in season length ...1483

MURRAY, BERTRAM G., JR., AND VAL NOLAN, JR. The evolution of clutch size. 1. An equation for predicting clutch size ...1699

MURRAY, BERTRAM G., JR., JOHN W. FITZPATRICK, AND GLEN E. WOOLFENDEN. The evolution of clutch size. 11. A test of the MurrayNolan equation ...1706

NAKAMURA, ROBERT R., AND MAUREEN L. STANTON. Embryo growth and seed size in Raphanus sativus: Maternal and paternal effects in vivo and in vitro ...1435

NEWPORT, MARY ELLEN A. A test for proximitydependent outcrossing in the Alpine skypilot, Polemonium viscosum . ..1110

NiKLAS, KARL J. Safety factors in vertical stems: Evidence from Equisetum Hyemale ...1625

NiSHIDA, TAKAYOSHI. Is lifetime data always necessary for evaluating the "intensity" of selection? ...1826

NuNNEY, LEONARD. The maintenance of sex by group selection ...245

ORR, H. ALLEN. Genetics of sterility in hybrids between two subspecies of Drosophila . ..180

PALMER, JAMES 0., AND HUGH DINGLE. Responses to selection on flight behavior in a migratory population of milkweed bug (Oncopeltusfasciatus)...1805

PARKER, MATTHEW A. Disease impact and local genetic diversity in the clonal Plant Podophyllum peltatum ...540

PETERSEN, CHRISTOPHER W., AND KAREN MARCHETTI. Filial cannibalism in the Cortez damselfish Stegastes rectifraenum . ..158

PHILLIPS, PATRICK C., AND STEVAN J. ARNOLD. Visualizing multivariate selection ...1209

PLANTE, YVES, PETER T. BOAG, AND BRADLEY N. WHITE. Microgeographic variation in mitochondrial DNA of meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) in relation to population density . ..1522

POLANS, NEIL 0., AND R. W. ALLARD. An experimental evaluation of the recovery potential of ryegrass populations from genetic stress resulting from restriction of population size ...1320

PRICE, MARY V. Plantanimal interactions: Exciting but neglected topic. (review) ...920

QUELLER, DAVID C., AND KEITH F. GOODNIGHT. Estimating relatedness using Genetic markers ...258

RAND, DAVID M., AND RICHARD G. HARRISON. Ecological genetics of a mosaic hybrid zone: Mitochondrial, nuclear, and reproductive differentiation of crickets by soil type ...432

RAUSHER, MARK E., AND ELLEN L. Simms. The evolution of resistance to herbivory in Ipomoea purpurea. 1. Attempts to detect selection ...563

REIMCHEN, T. E. Loss of nuptial color in threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) ...450

REZNICK, DAVID N. Lifehistory evolution in guppies: 2. Repeatability of Field observations and the effects of season on life histories . ..1285

RICE, WILLIAM R. Analyzing tables of statistical tests . ..223

RISING, J. D. Sexual dimorphism in Passerculus sandwichensis as it is . ...1121

RisKA, BRUCE. Composite traits, selection response, and evolution ...1172

RITLAND, KERMIT. Correlated matings in the partial selfer Mimulus guttatus ...848

ROSENBERG, GARY. Aposernatism evolves by individual selection: Evidence from marine gastropods with pelagic larvae . ..1811

SANDERSON, MICHAEL J., AND MICHAEL J. DONOGHUE. Patterns of variation in levels of homoplasy . ..1781

SANDERSON, NEIL. Can gene flow prevent reinforcement? ...1223

SCHEINER, SAMUEL M. Variable selection along a successional gradient ...548

SCHEMSKE, DOUGLAS W., AND CAROL C. HORVITZ. Temporal variation in selection on a floral character ...461

SCHULTZ, DAVID L. The evolution of phenotypic variance with iteroparity ...473

SCHULTZ, ERIC R., AND ROBERT R. WARNER. Phenotypic plasticity in lifehistory traits of female Thalassoma bifasciatum (Pisces: Labridae). 1 Manipulations of social structure in tests for adaptive shifts of lifehistory allocations ...1497

SEMLITSCH, RAYMOND D., AND HENRY M. WILBUR. Artificial selection for paedomorphosis in the salamander Ambystoma talpoideum . ..105

SHUSTER, STEPHEN M. Male alternative reproductive strategies in a marine Isopod crustacean (Paracerdeis sculpta): The use of genetic markers to measure differences in fertilization success among a, 0, and y-males ...1683

SIMMONS, GAIL M., MARTIN E. KREITMAN, WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM5 AND NAOHIKO MIYASHITA. Molecular analysis of the alleles of alcohol dehydrogenase along a cline in Drosophila melanogaster. 1. Maine, North Carolina, and Florida ...393

SIMMS, ELLEN L., AND MARK E. RAuSHER. The evolution of resistance to herbivory in Ipomoea purpurea. 11. Natural selection by insects and costs of resistance...573

SITES, JACK W., JR., AND SCOTT K. DAVIS. Phylogenetic relationships and molecular variability within and among six chromosome races of Sceloporus grammicus(Sauria, Iguanidae), based on nuclear and mitochondrial markers . ...296

SLATKIN, MONTGOMERY, AND NICHOLAS H. BARTON. A comparison of three indirect methods for estimating average levels of gene flow . ..1349

SMITH, B. HOLLY. Dental development as a measure of life history in primates ...683

SMITH, HOBART M. The myth is not evolution. (review) ...699

SoLTis, DOUGLAS E., AND PAMELA S. SoLTis. Genetic consequences of autopolyploidy in Tolmiea (Saxifragaceae) . ..586

SOLTIS, DOUGLAS E., PAMELA S. SOLTIS, AND BRYAN D. NESS. Chloroplast DNA variation and multiple origins of autopolyploidy in Heuchera micrantha (Saxifragaceae) . ..650

STANTON, MAUREEN L., ALLISON A. SNOW, STEVEN N. HANDEL, AND JUDITH BERECZKY. The impact of a flowercolor polymorphism on mating patterns in experimental populations of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.) ...335

STEVENS, LORI. The genetics and evolution of cannibalism in flour beetles (genus Tribolium) ...169

THOMSON, JAMES D. Germination schedules of pollen grains: Implications for Pollen selection ...220

THOMSON, JAMES D., AND BARBARA A. THOMSON. Dispersal of Erythronium grandiflorum pollen by bumblebees: Implications for gene flow and reproductive success...657

TOOLSON, ERIC C., AND REBECCA KuPERSIMBR6N. Laboratory evolution of epicuticular hydrocarbon composition and cuticular permeability in Drosophila pseudoobscura: Effects on sexual dimorphism and thermal acclimation ability ...468

VAN DELDEN, WILKE, AND ALBERT KAmPING. The association between the polymorphisms at the Adh and Gpdh loci and the ln(2L)t inversion in Drosophila melanogaster in relation to temperature . ..775

VAN DEN BERGHE, ERIC P., AND MART R. GROSS. Natural selection resulting from female breeding competition in a Pacific salmon (Coho:Oncorhynchuskisutch) ...125

VENABLE, D. LAWRENCE, AND ALBERTO BURQUEZ M. Quantitative genetics of size, shape, lifehistory, and fruit characteristics of the seedheteromorphic composite Heterosperma pinnatum. 1. Variation within and among populations. ...113

VERRELL, PAUL A., AND STEVAN J. ARNOLD. Behavioral observations of sexual isolation among allopatric populations of the mountain dusky salamander, Desmognathus ochrophaeus ...745

WADE, MICHAEL J., AND SUSAN KALISZ. The additive partitioning of selection Gradients ...1567

WAGNER, G. P. The origin of morphological characters and the biological basis of homology . ..1157

WALLER, DONALD M., AND SUSAN E. KNIGHT. Genetic consequences of outcrossing in the cleistogamous annual, Impatiens capensis. H. Outcrossing rates and genotypic correlations ...860

WALLIS, GRAHAM P., AND J. W. ARNTZEN. MitOChondrialDNA variation in the crested newt superspecies: Limited cytoplasmic gene flow among species ....88

APLES, ROBIN S. Temporal variation in allele frequencies: Testing the right hypothesis ...1236

WASER, NICKOLAS D., AND MARY V. PRICE. Optimal outcrossing in Ipomopsis aggregata: Seed set and offspring fitness ...1097

WEATHERHEAD, PATRICK J., AND DAVE SHULTER. Sparrow sexual size dimorphism and testis size . ..1120

WEEDEN, NORMAN F., JEFF J. DOYLE, AND MATT LAVIN. Distribution and evolution of a glucosephosphate isomerase duplication in the Leguminosae ...1637

WESTEBERHARD, MARY JANE. Kin recognition in animals. (review) ...703

WETHERINGTON, JEFFREY D., STEPHEN C. WEEKS, KAREN E. KOTORA, AND ROBERT C. VRIJENHOEK. Genotypic and environmental components of variation ingrowth and reproduction of fish hemiclones (Poeciliopsis: Poeciliidae)...635

WIERNASZ, DIANE C. Female choice and sexual selection of male wing melanin pattern in Pieris occidentalis (Lepidoptera) ...1672

WIGGINS, DAVID A. Heritability of body size in crossfostered Tree Swallow broods ...1808

WINKLER, DAVID W. Evolutionary ecology of Darwin's finches. (review) ...701

WOOLFENDEN, GLEN E. Population ecology of the cooperatively breeding Acorn Woodpecker ...1129

WRAY, GREGORY A., AND DAVID R. MCCLAY. Molecular heterochronies and heterotopies in early echinoid development ...803

WREN, H. N., J. L. JOHNSON, AND D. G. GOODMAN. Evolutionary inferences from a comparison of cockroach nuclear DNA and DNA from their fatbody and egg endosymbionts ...276

WYATT, ROBERT, IRENEUSZ J. ODRZYKOSKI, AND ANN STONEBURNER. High levels of genetic variability in the haploid moss Plagiomnium ciliare ...1085

ZELDITCH, MIRIAM L., AND A. CHRISTOPHER CARMICHAEL. Ontogenetic variation in patterns of development and functional integration in skulls of Sigmodon fulviventer . ..814

ZIMMERER, EDMUND J., AND KLAUS D. KALLMAN. Genetic basis for alternative reproductive tactics in the pygmy swordtail, Xiphophorus nigrensis ...1298