Vol. 46 Contents 1992

ANTOLIN, MICHAEL F. Sex ratio variation in a parasitic wasp 1. Reaction norms... 1496

ANTOLIN, MICHAEL F. Sex ratio variation in a parasitic wasp 11. Diallel cross ...1511

ARNQVIST, G6RAN. Spatial variation in selective regimes: Sexual selection in the water strider, Gerris odontogaster ....914

ASHMAN, TIALYNN. The relative importance of inbreeding and maternal sex in determining progeny fitness in Sidalcea oregana ssp. spicata, a gynodioecious plant ... 1862

AviSE, JOHN C., RAY T. ALISAUSKAS, WILLIAM S. NELSON, AND C. DAVISON ANKNEY. Matriarchal population genetic structure in an avian species with female Natal philopatry ...1084

BAIRD, SCOTT E., MARIE E. SUTHERLIN, AND SCOTT W. EMMONS. Reproductive isolation in Rhabditidae (Nematoda: Secernentea); Mechanisms that isolate six species of three genera ...585

BAKER, ALLAN J. Genetic and morphometric divergence in ancestral European and descendent New Zealand populations of chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs)...1784

BAKER, J. S. F. Genetic variation in cactophilic Drosophila for oviposition On natural yeast substrates ...1070

BARKER, DAVID M. Evolution of sperm shortage in a selfing hermaphrodite ...1951

BARTON, N. H. On the spread of new gene combinations in the third phase of Wright's shifting balance ...551

BECERRA, JUDITH X., AND DAVID G. LLOYD. Competitiondependent abscission of self-pollinated flowers of Phormium tenax (Agavaceae): A second action of self-incompatibility at the whole flower level? ... 458

BELL, GRAHAM. The ecology and genetics of fitness in Chlamydomonas. V. The relationship between genetic correlation and environmental variance . 561

BELL, GRAHAM. Midlife crisis (Book review) ... 854

BENNETT, ALBERT F., RICHARD E. LENSKI, AND JOHN E. MITTLER. Evolutionary adaptation to temperature. 1. Fitness responses of Escherichia coli to changes in its thermal environment ...16

BERENBAUM, M. R., AND A. R. ZANGERL. Genetics of physiological and behavioral resistance to host faranocournarins in the parsnip webworm ... 1373

BEUKEBOOM, LEO W., AND JOHN H. WERREN. Population genetics of a parasitic chromosome: Experimental analysis of PSR in subdivided populations . ...1257


BIBEAU, SHAWN K. STICKEL, AND MITCHELL L. SOGIN. Algae containing chlorophylls a + c are paraphyletic: Molecular evolutionary analysis of the Chromophyta ...1801

BIRTFRIESEN, V. L., W. A. MONTEVECCHI, A. J. GASTON, AND W. S. DAVIDSON. Genetic structure of thickbilled murre (Uria lomvia) populations examined using direct sequence analysis of amplified DNA ... 267

BLANCO, M. J., AND P. ALBERCH. Caenogenesis, developmental variability, and evolution in the carpus and tarsus of the marbled newt Triturus marmoratus ...677

BLOUIN, MICHAEL S. Genetic correlations among morphometric traits and rates Of growth and differentiation in the green tree frog, Hyla cinerea . ..735

BLOUIN, MICHAEL S., JOHN B. DAME, CHRISTINE A. TARRANT, AND CHARLES H. COURTNEY. Unusual population genetics of a parasitic nematode: mtDNA variation within and among populations ...470

BOWEN, BRIAN W., ANNE B. MEYLAN, J. PERRAN Ross, COLIN J. Limpus, GEORGE  H. BALAZS, AND JOHN C. AviSE. Global population structure and natural history of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in terms of matriarchal phylogeny ...865

BRISKIE, JAMES V., SPENCER G. SEALY, AND KEITH A. HOBSON. Behavioral Defenses against avian brood parasitism in sympatric and allopatric host Populations... 334

BRODIE, EDMUND D., 111. Correlational selection for color pattern and Antipredator behavior in the garter snake Thamnophis ordinoides . ..1284

BROWN, JOEL S., AND THOMAS L. VINCENT. Organization of predatorprey communities as an evolutionary game ...... 1269

BULL, J. J., AND IAN J. MOLINEUX. Molecular genetics of adaptation in an experimental model of cooperation ...882

BUSH, ROBIN M., AND KENNETH PAIGEN. Evolution of OGlucuronidase regulation in the genus Mus ...1

CABALLERO, ARMANDO, AND WILLIAM G. HILL. A note on the inbreeding effective population size ...1969

CAPOSSELA, ANGELA, JOHN A. SILANDER, JR., ROBERT K. JANSEN, BRIANA BERGEN, AND DUNCAN R. TALBOT. Nuclear ribosomal DNA variation among ramets and genets of white clover . ..1240

CARROLL, SCOTT P., AND CHRISTIN BOYD. Host race radiation in the soapberry bug: Natural history with the history .. ..1052

CHAN, JOHN W. Y., AND RONALD S. BURTON. Variation in alcohol dehydrogenase activity and flood tolerance in white clover, Trifolium repens .. .721

CHAO, LIN, THUTRANG TRAN, AND CRYSTAL MATTHEWS. Muller's ratchet and the advantage of sex in the RNA virus 06 ...289

CHARLESWORTH, D., AND B. CHARLESWORTH. The effects of selection in the gametophyte stage on mutational load ...703

CLARKE, GEOFFREY M., BENJAMIN P. OLDROYD, AND PETER HUNT. The genetic basis of developmental stability in Apis mellifera: Heterozygosity versus genic balance ...753

CONOVER, DAVID 0., DAVID A. VAN VOORHEES, AND AmIR EHTISHAM. Sex ratio selection and the evolution of environmental sex determination in laboratory populations of Menidia menidia .. .1722

COWLEY, DAVID E., AND WILLIAM R. ATCHLEY. Quantitative genetic models for development, epigenetic selection, and phenotypic evolution . .. 495

COWLEY, DAVID E., AND WILLIAM R. ATCHLEY. Comparison of quantitative genetic parameters.. ...1965

Cox, RANDEL Tom. A comment on Pleistocene population bottlenecks in Periodical cicadas (Homoptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada spp.) .. .845

COYNE, JERRY A., BETTY C. MOORE, JOHN A. MOORE, JEFFREY R. POWELL, AND CHARLES E. TAYLOR. Temporal stability of thirdchromosome inversion frequencies in Drosophila persimilis and D. psuedoobscura_. . . 1558

CROZIER, Ross H. All about (eusocial) wasps. (Book review). . . 1979

CRUMLEY, CHARLES R. The meaning of evolution. (Book review) . . .1592

DEBRY, RONALD W. Biogeography of New World taigadwelling Microtus (Mammalia: Arvicolidae): A hypothesis test that accounts for phylogenetic uncertainty . . . 1347

DESCIMON, HENRI. Beauty in evolution. (Book review) . . .1981

DEVLIN, B., JANET CLEGG, AND N. C. ELLSTRAND. The effect of flower production on male reproductive success in wild radish populations. . .1030

DiMICHELE, WILLIAM A., AND RICHARD B. ARONSON. The Pennsylvanian Permian vegetational transition: A terrestrial analogue to the onshore offshore hypothesis . . . 807

DORADO, OSCAR, LOREN H. RIESEBERG, AND DULCE M. ARIAS. Chloroplast DNA introgression in southern California sunflowers . . .566

EBERHARD, WILLIAM G. Species isolation, genital mechanics, and the evolution of species specific genitalia in three species of Macrodactylus beetles (Coleoptera,Scarabeidae, Melolonthinae) . . . 1774

ECHELLE, ANTHONY A., AND THOMAS E. DOWLING. Mitochondrial DNA variation and evolution of the Death Valley pupfishes (Cyprinodon, Cyprinodontidae). . . 193

ECKERT, CHRISTOPHER G., AND SPENCER C. H. BARRETT. Stochastic loss of style morphs from populations of tristylous Lythrum salicaria and Decodon verti cillatus (Lythraceae) . . .1014

ECKHART, VINCENT M. Resource compensation and the evolution of gynodioecy in Phacelia linearis (Hydrophyllaceae) . . .1313

ERIKSSON, OVE, AND BIRGITTA BREMER. Pollination systems, dispersal modes,life forms, and diversification rates in angiosperm families. . .258

ETGES, WILLIAM J. Premating isolation is determined by larval substrates in cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis . . . 1945

FAJEN, AVA, AND FELIx BREDEN. Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation among natural populations of the trinidad guppy Poecifia reticulata . . .1457

FELSENSTEIN, JOSEPH. Phylogenies from restriction sites: A maximum likelihood approach ...159

FOLEY, PATRICK. Small population genetic variability at loci under Stabilizing selection . . .763

FRY, JAMES D. On the maintenance of genetic variation by disruptive Selection among hosts in a phytophagous mite.. . 279

FRY, JAMES D. The mixedmodel analysis of variance applied to quantitative genetics: Biological meaning of the parameters .. . 540

GALEN, CANDACE. Pollen dispersal dynamics in an alpine wildflower, Polemonium viscosum. . .1043

GILINSKY, NORMAN L. The withins and withouts of macroevolution. (Book review). . . 578

GOLDSTEIN, DAVID B., AND KENT E. HOLSINGER. Maintenance of polygenic variation in spatially structured populations: Roles for local mating and genetic redundance . . .412

GoMULKIEWIcz, RICHARD, AND MARK KIRKPATRICK. Quantitative genetics and the evolution of reaction norms . ..390

GRANT, W. STEWART, AND ROBIN M. LITTLE. How sedentary are greywing Francolins (Francolinus africanus)? . . . 1477

GROETERS, FRANCIS R., AND DAVID D. SHAW. Association between latitudinal variation for embryonic development time and chromosome structure in the grasshopper Caledia captiva (Orthoptera: Acrididae) .. .245

GROSBERG, RICHARD K. Asexual obsessions. (Book review) . . .1976

GUNNARSSON, BENGT, AND AGNETA ANDERSSON. Skewed primary sex ratio in the solitary spider Pityohyphantes phrygianus .. . 841

HAIRSTON, NELSON G., SR., R. HAVEN WILEY, CHARLES K. SMITH, AND KENNETH A. KNEIDEL. The dynamics of two hybrid zones in Appalachian salamanders of the genus Plethodon .. . 930

HALE, DAVID W. Sex chromosomes, heterochromatin, and retrotransposon accumulation in deer mice . . . 1955

HATFIELD, TODD, NICK BARTON, AND JEREMY B. SEARLE. A model of a hybrid zone between two chromosomal races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) . 1129

HAUSER, MARC, MONIQUE BORGERHOFF MULDER, Tim CARO, CLAUDIA ENGEL, ALEXANDER HARCOURT, SARAH HRDY, DALE LOTT, AND KELLY STEWART. Parental care comes of Age(Book review) 852 HEARD, STEPHEN B. Patterns in tree balance among cladistic, phenetic, and randomly generated phylogenetic trees . . . 1818

HENDRIX, STEPHEN D. Plantanimal interactions. (Book review). ..1588

HEY, JODY. Using phylogenetic trees to study speciation and extinction ... 627

HILLESHEIM, ELKE, AND STEPHEN C. STEARNS. Correlated responses in lifehistory traits to artificial selection for body weight in Drosophila melanogaster. . . 745

HOLTSFORD, TIMOTHY P., AND NORMAN C. ELLSTRAND. Genetic and environmental variation in floral traits affecting outcrossing rate in Clarkia tembloriensis (Onagraceae) . . .216

HONEYCUTT, RODNEY L. An anthology of molecular tidbits. (Book review) 1249

HUSBAND, BRIAN C., AND SPENCER C. H. BARRETT. Effective population size and genetic drift in tristylous Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae)... 1875

INOUE, YUTAKA, AND TAKAO K. WATANABE. Chromosomal polymorphism in isofemale lines and cage populations of Drosophila melanogaster . . . 797

JANSON, CHARLES H. Measuring evolutionary constraints: A Markov model for phylogenetic transitions among seed dispersal syndromes .. . 136

JOHNSTON, MARK 0. Effects of cross and selffertilization on progeny fitness in Lobelia cardinalis and L. siphilitica. . .688

JONES, CYNTHIA S. Comparative ontogeny of a wild cucurbit and its derived cultivar.. . 1827

JONES, Ross, DAVID C. CULVER, AND THOMAS K. KANE. Are parallel morphologies of cave organisms the result of similar selection pressures? . . .353

KANE, THOMAS C., DAVID C. CULVER, AND Ross T. JONES. Genetic structure of morphologically differentiated populations of the amphipod Gammarus minus . . .272

KELLY, CAROL A. Spatial and temporal variation in selection on correlated Life history traits and plant size in Chamae crista fasciculata.. . 1658

KELLY, JOHN K. Restricted migration and the evolution of altruism...1492

KIRKPATRICK, MARK, AND DAVID LOFSVOLD. Measuring selection and constraint in the evolution of growth. . .954

KIRKPATRICK, MARK, AND RUSSELL LANDE. The evolution of maternal characters: Errata . ..284

KNOWLES, PEGGY, DANIEL J. PERRY, AND HEATHER A. FOSTER. Spatial genetic structure in two tamarack [Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch] populations with differing establishment histories . . . 572

KOHN, JOSHUA R., AND SPENCER C. H. BARRETT. Experimental studies on the functional significance of heterostyly . . . 43

KONDRASHOV, ALEXEY S. The third phase of Wright's shiftingbalance: A simple analysis of the extreme case . . .1972

LANDA, KEITH. Seasonal declines in offspring fitness and selection for early reproduction in nymphoverwintering grasshoppers . . . 121

LANDA, KEITH. Adaptive seasonal variation in grasshopper offspring size . ..1553

LANDE, RUSSELL. Neutral theory of quantitative genetic variance in an island model with local extinction and colonization . . . 381

LARSSON, KJELL, AND P~,R FORSLUND. Genetic and social inheritance of body And egg size in the barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) . . . 235

LE BRUN, NATHALIE, FRANCOIS RENAUD, PATRICK BERREBI, AND ALAIN LAMBERT. Hybrid zones and hostparasite relationships: Effect on the evolution of parasitic specificity .. . 56

LEBERG, PAUL L. Effects of population bottlenecks on genetic diversity as Measured by allozyme electrophoresis .. . 477

LIVELY, CURTIS M. Parthenogenesis in a freshwater snail: Reproductive assurance versus parasitic release...907

LoFrusHILLS, JASPER J., AND MURRAY J. LITTLEJOHN. Reinforcement and reproductive character displacement in Gastrophryne carolinensis and G. olivacea(Anura: Microhylidae): A reexamination . . .896

LoPEzLEON, M. D., J. CABRERO, J. P. M. CAMACHO, M. 1. CANO, AND J. L. SANTOS. A widespread B chromosome polymorphism maintained without apparent. . .529

LoUGHEED, S. C., AND P. HANDFORD. Vocal dialects and the structure of Geographic variation in morphological and allozymic characters in the rufous-collared sparrow Zonotrichia capensis. . .1443

MACKAY, TRUDY F. C., RICHARD F. LYMAN, MICHAEL S. JACKSON, CHRISTOPHE TERZIAN, AND WILLIAM G. HILL. Polygenic mutation in Drosophila melanogaster: Estimates from divergence among inbred strains . . . 300

MADSEN, THOMAS, AND RICHARD SHINE. A rapid, sexually selected shift in mean body size in a population of snakes .. . 1220

MADSEN, THOMAS, AND RICHARD SHINE. Sexual competition among brothers may influence offspring sex ratio in snakes .. . 1549

MANTOVANI, BARBARA, AND VALERIO SCALL Hybridogenesis and androgenesis in the stickinsect Bacillus rossiusgrandii benazzii (Insecta, Phasmatodea) ...783

MAURER, BRIAN A., JAMES H. BROWN, AND RENEE D. RuSLER. The micro and macro in body size evolution . . . 939

MAYER, STEPHANIE S., AND DEBORAH CHARLEswoRTH. Genetic evidence for multiple origins of dioecy in the Hawaiian shrub Wikstroemia (Thymelaeaceae) .. .207

McARTHUR, E. DURANT, D. CARL FREEMAN, LEO S. LuCKINBILL, STEWART C. SANDERSON, AND GARY L. NOLLER. Are trioecy and sexual lability in Atriplex canescens genetically based?: Evidence from clonal studies. . .1708

MCCLARY, DANIEL. Gamete compatibility or incompatibility? A comment on Lessios and Cunningham (1990). . .1579

McDADE, LUCINDA A. Hybrids and phylogenetic systematics 11. The impact of hybrids on cladistic analysis . . .1329

McHENRY, HENRY M. Homo habilis. (Book review) . . .580

MCMILLAN, OWEN, RUDOLF A. RAFF, AND STEPHEN R. PALUMBI. Population genetic consequences of developmental evolution in sea urchins (genus Heliocidaris).. .1299

MEAGHER, THOMAS R. The quantitative genetics of sexual dimorphism in Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae) 1. Genetic variation . . .445

MEFFERT, LISA M., AND EDWIN H. BRYANT. Divergent ambulatory and groomingbehavior in serially bottlenecked lines of the housefly . ...1399

MESTRES, F., J. BALA&A, C. SEGARRA, A. PREVOSTI, AND L. SERRA. Colonization of America by Drosophila subobscura: Analysis of the 0, inversions from Europe and America and their implications for the colonizing process . . .1564

MITTON, JEFFRY B., AND WILLIAM M. LEWIS, JR. Response to Waples's comment on heterozygosity and lifehistory variation in bony fishes . . .576

MONTALVO, ARLEE M. Relative success of self and outcross pollen comparing mixed and singledonor pollinations in Aquilegia caerulea. .. 1181

MORGAN, MARTIN T. Attractive structures and the stability of hermaphroditic Sex expression in flowering plants . . .1199

MORITZ, C., J. W. WRIGHT, AND W. M. BROWN. Mitochondrial DNA analyses and the origin and relative age of parthenogenetic Cnemidophorus: Phylogenetic constraints on hybrid origins . . .184

MORRIS, DOUGLAS W. Optimum brood size: Tests of alternative hypotheses . ..1848

MURRAY, BERTRAM G., JR. The evolution of clutch size: A reply to Wootton, Young, and Winkler .. .1581

NAKAMURA, ROBERT R., AND NICHOLAS C. WHEELER. Pollen competition and paternal success in Douglasfir .. .846

NONACS, PETER, AND JOHN E. TOBIN. Selfish larvae: Development and the evolution of parasitic behavior in the Hymenoptera . . .1605

PANDOLFI, JOHN M. Evolution and the fossil record. (Book review) . . .1589

PARICHY, DAVID M., H. BRADLEY SHAFFER, AND MARC MANGEL. Heterochrony as a unifying theme in evolution and development. (Book review). . .1252

PARKER, MATTHEW A. Outbreeding depression in a selfing annual . . .837

PARTRIDGE, LINDA, AND KEVIN FOWLER. Direct and correlated responses to selection on age at reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster. . .76

PATARNELLO, TOMASO, AND BRUNO BATTAGLIA. Glucosephosphate isomerase and fitness: Effects of temperature on genotype dependent mortality and enzyme activity in two species of the genus Gammarus (Crustacea: Amphipoda)...1568

PATTON, JAMES L., AND MARGARET F. SMITH. mtDNA phylogeny of Andean mice: A test of diversification across ecological gradients......174

PFENNIG, DAVID W. Polyphenism in the spadefoot toad tadpoles as a locally adjusted evolutionarily stable strategy...1408

PILSON, DIANA. Aphid distribution and the evolution of goldenrod resistance ...1358

PILSON, DIANA. Relative resistance of goldenrod to aphid, attack: Changes Through the growing season ...1229

PLATENKAMP, GERRIT A. J., AND RUTH G. SHAW. Environmental and genetic constraints on adaptive population differentiation in Anthoxanthum odoratum. ..341

POPE, THERESA R. The influence of dispersal patterns and mating system on Genetic differentiation within and between populations of the red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) ...1112

PREZIOSI, RICHARD F., AND DAPHNE J. FAIRBAIRN. Genetic population structure and levels of gene flow in the stream dwelling waterstrider, Aquarius (=Gerris)remigis (Hemiptera: Gerridae)...430

QUELLER, DAVID C. A general model for kin selection ...376

RANK, NATHAN EGAN. A hierarchical analysis of genetic differentiation in a Montane leaf beetle Chrysomela aeneicollis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)...1097

RAUSHER, MARK D. The measurement of selection on quantitative traits: Biases due to environmental covariances between traits and fitness ...616

REIMCHEN, T. E. Injuries on stickleback from attacks by a toothed predator (Oncorhynchus) and implications for the evolution of lateral plates ...1224

RICHARDSON, THOMAS E., AND ANDREW G. STEPHENSON. Effects of parentage and size of the pollen load on progeny performance in Campanula americana ...1731

ROGERS, ALAN R., AND ARINDAM MUKHERJEE. Quantitative genetics of sexual dimorphism in human body size ...226

SANDERSON, NEIL, JACEK M. SZYMURA, AND NICHOLAS H. BARTON. Variation in mating call across the hybrid zone between the firebellied toads Bombina bombina and B. variegata . ..595

SCHRAG, STEPHANIE J., AND ANDREW F. READ. Temperature determination of male outcrossing ability in a simultaneous hermaphrodite . ...1698

SEMLITSCH, RAYMOND D., AND HEINZULRICH REYER. Performance oftadpoles from the hybridogenetic Rana esculenta complex: Interactions with pond drying and interspecific competition ...665

SHAW, RUTH G. Comparison of quantitative genetic parameters: Reply to Cowley and Atchley . ..1967

SHINE, RICHARD. Relative clutch mass and body shape in lizards and snakes: Is reproductive investment constrained or optimized? ...828

SHINE, RICHARD, AND LIN SCHWARZKOPF. The evolution of reproductive effort in lizards and snakes...62

SHUSTER, STEPHEN M. Stress and evolution. (Book review)...1248

SIMMONS, L. W., AND G. A. PARKER. Individual variation in sperm competition success of yellow dung flies, Scatophaga stercoraria. ..366

SLAGSVOLD, TORE, AND JAN T. LiFJELD. Plumage color is a condition-dependent sexual trait in male Pied Flycatchers ...825

SPOLSKY, CHRISTINA~ CHRISTOPHER A. PHILLIPS, AND THOMAS UZZELL. Gynogenetic reproduction in hybrid mole salamanders (genus Ambystorna)...1935

STRATHMANN, RICHARD R., LuCIENNE FENAUX, AND MEGUmi F. STRATHMANN. Heterochronic developmental plasticity in larval sea urchins and its implications for evolution of nonfeeding larvae . ..972

STRATTON, DONALD A. Lifecycle components of selection in Erigeron annuus:1. Phenotypic selection ....92

STRATTON, DONALD A. Lifecycle components of selection in Erigeron annuus:11. Genetic variation ...107

 SWAIN, DOUGLAS P. Selective predation for vertebral phenotype in Gasterosteus aculeatus: Reversal in the direction of selection at different larval sizes...998

SWAIN, DOUGLAS P. The functional basis of natural selection for vertebral traits of larvae in the stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus ...987

TAPER, MARK L., AND TED J. CASE. Models of character displacement and the theoretical robustness of taxon cycles .....317

TAUBER, CATHERINE A., AND MAURICE J. TAUBER. Phenotypic plasticity in Chrysoperla: Genetic variation in the sensory mechanism and in correlated reproductive traits ...1754

TUCKER, PRISCILLA, RICHARD D. SAGE, JOHN WARNER, ALLAN C. WILSON, AND EVA M. EICHER. Abrupt cline for sex chromosomes in a hybrid zone between two species of mice ...1146

VALDtS, ANA MARiA, AND DANIEL PI&ERO. Phylogenetic estimation of plasmid exchange in bacteria...641

VERMEIJ, GEERAT J. Time of origin and biogeographical history of specialized relationships between northern marine plants and herbivorous molluscs...657

Voss, ROBERT S., AND LESLIE F. MARCUS. Morphological evolution in muroid rodents 11. Craniometric factor divergence in seven neotropical genera, with experimental results from Zygodontomys ...1918

VRIJENHOEK, ROBERT C., EDWARD PFEILER, AND JEFFREY D. WETHERINGTON. Balancing selection in a desert streamdwelling fish, Poeciliopsis monacha `...1642

WAGNER, GUNTER P. Developmental biology and phylogeny: A germanic view 1251

WAINRIGHT, PATRICIA 0. (See Bhattacharya, Debashish)...1801

WARNER, JOHN. (See Tucker, Priscilla)...1146

WARNER, ROBERT R., AND ERIC T. SCHULTZ. Sexual selection and male characteristics in the bluehead wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum: Mating site acquisition, mating site defense, and female choice...1421

WEBSTER, MICHAEL S. Sexual dimorphism, mating system and body size in new world blackbirds (Icterinae)... 1691

WEINBERG, JAMES R., VICTORIA R. STARCZAK, AND DANIELE J6RG. Evidence for rapid speciation following a founder event in the laboratory...1214

WEIS, ARTHUR E., WARREN G. ABRAHAMSON, AND MARK C. ANDERSEN. Variable selection on Eurosta's gall size, 1: The extent and nature of variation in phenotypic selection ...1674

WELBERGEN, PHILIP, FOLCHERT R. VAN DUKEN, WIN SCHARLOO, AND WOLFGANG K6HLER. The genetic basis of sexual isolation between Drosophila Melanogaster and D. simulans . ..1385

WELLS, MARTA MARTiNEZ, AND CHARLES H. HENRY. The role of courtship songs in reproductive isolation among populations of green lacewings of the genus Chrysoperla (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) ...31

WESTERBERGH, ANNA, AND ANSSI SAURA. The effect of serpentine on the Population structure of Silene dioica (Caryophyllaceae) ...1537

WHITLOCK, MICHAEL C. Temporal fluctuations in demographic parameters and the genetic variance among populations...608

WICKMAN, PEROLOF. Sexual selection and butterfly designA comparative study ...1525

WIEGMANN, DANIEL D., JEFFREY R. BAYLIS, AND MICHAEL H. HOFF. Sexual Selection and fitness variation in a population of smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieui (Pisces: Centrarchidae) ...1740

WIENER, PAMELA, MARCUS W. FELDMAN, AND SARAH P. OTTO. On genetic segregation and the evolution of sex ...775

WIKLUND, CHRISTER, PEROLOF WICKMAN, AND S6REN NYLIN. A sex difference in the propensity to enter direct/diapause development: A result of selection for protandry ...519

WU, CHUNG1. A note on Haldane's rule: Hybrid inviability versus hybrid Sterility...1584

YAHARA, TETSUKAZU. Graphical analysis of mating system evolution in plants... 557

YAMAMURA, NORIO, AND MASAHIKO HIGASHI. An evolutionary theory of conflict resolution between relatives: Altruism, manipulation, compromise...1236

YAMPOLSKY, L. Yu. Genetic variation in the sexual reproduction rate within a population of a cyclic parthenogen, Daphnia magna ...833

YEZERINAC, STEPHEN M., STEPHEN C. LoUGHEED, AND PAUL HANDFORD. Morphological variability and enzyme heterozygosity: Individual and population level correlations ...1959

ZAPATA, C., AND G. ALVAREz. The detection of gametic disequilibrium between allozyme loci in natural populations of Drosophila ...1900

ZELDITCH, MIRIAM LEAH, FRED L. BOOKSTEIN, AND BARBARA L. LUNDRIGAN. Ontogeny of integrated skull growth in the cotton rat ...1164

ZEYL, CLIFFORD W., AND DAVID W. GREEN. Heteromorphism for a highly repeated sequence in the New Zealand frog Leiopelma hochstetteri ...1891

ZHIVOTOVSKY, LEV A., AND MARCUS W. FELDMAN. On the difference between mean and optimum of quantitative characters under selection ...1574

ZOUROS, E., G. H. POGSON, D. 1. COOK, AND M. J. DADSWELL. Apparent selective neutrality of mitochondrial DNA size variation: A test in the deepsea scallop Placopectenmagellanicus...1466