Vol 47 Contents 1993

ABRAMS, PETER A Does increase mortality favor the evolution of more rapid senescence? ...877

ABRAMS, PETER A, YASUSHI HARADA, AND HIROYUKI MATSUDA On the relationship between quantitative genetic and ESS models ...982

AGREN, JON, AND DOUGLAS W SCHEMSKE Outcrossing rate and inbreeding depression in two annual monoecious herbs, Begonia hirsuta and B serniovata ...125

ARMBRUSTER, W. SCOTT Evolution of plant pollination systems: hypotheses and tests with the Neotropical vine Dalechampia ...1480

AviSE, JOHN C The evolutionary biology of aging, sexual reproduction and DNA repair ...1293

BELL, MICHAEL A, GUILLERMO ORTi, JEFFREY A. WALKER, AND JEFFREY P. KoENINGs Evolution of pelvic reduction in thrdespine stickleback fish: a test of competing hypotheses ...906

BENNETT, ALBERT F, AND RICHARD E LENSKI Evolutionary adaptation to temperature II. Thermal niches of experimental lines of Escherichia coli ...1

BERTNESS, MARK D, AND STEVEN D. GAINES. Larval dispersal and local adaptation in acorn barnacles ...316


CLAUDE BIBEAU, SHAWN K. STICKEL, AND MITCHELL L. SOGIN. Errata: algae containing chlorophylls a + C are paraphyletic: molecular evolutionary analysis of the chromophyta ...986

BibRKLUND, MATS Phenotypic variation of growth trajectories in finches ...1506


BLOWS, MARK W The genetics of central and marginal populations of Drosophila serrata II Hybrid breakdown in fitness components as a correlated response to selection for desiccation resistance ...1271

BLOWS, MARK W, AND ARY A HOFFMANN The genetics ofcentral and marginal populations of Drosophila serrata I Genetic variation for stress resistance and species borders ...1255

BOULDTNG, ELIZABETH G, AND TOBY K HAY Quantitative genetics of shell form of an intertidal snail:constraints on shortterm response to selection ...576

BRODIE, EDMUND D, III Differential avoidance of coral snake banded patterns by freeranging avian predators in Costa Rica...227

BRODIE, EDMUND D, III Homogeneity of the genetic variancecovariance matrix for antipredator traits in two natural
populations of the garter snake Tharnnophis ordinoides ...844

BROOKFIELD, JOHN Haldane's rule is significant ...1885

BROOKS, DANIEL R., AND DEBORAH A MCLENNAN Macroevolutionary patterns of morphological diversification among parasitic flatworms (Platyhelminthes: Cercomeria) ...495

BULL, J J, C W CUNNfNGHAM, I J MOLINEUX, M R BADGETT, AND D M HiLLIs Experimental molecular evolution of bacteriophage T7 ...993

CANE, PARKER W The ontogeny of postcranial integration in the common tem, Sterna hirundo ...1138

CHAO, LIN, AND DAVID E. CARR The molecular clock and the relationship between population size and generation time ...688

CHARLESWORTH, BRIAN Inbreeding versus outbreeding ... 1896

CHEETHAM, ALAN H, JEREMY B C JACKSON, AND LEEANN C HAYEK Quantitative genetics of bryozoan phenotypic evolution 1 Rate tests for random change versus selection in Differentiation of living species ...1526

CHIBA, SATOSHI Modem and historical evidence for natural hybridization between sympatric species in Mandarina (Pulmonata: Camaenidae) ...1539

COCKERHAM, C CLARK, AND B S WEIR Estimation of gene flow from Fstatistics ...855

CONNER, JEFFREY, AND SARA VIA Patterns of phenotypic and genetic correlations among morphological and lifehistory traits in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum  ...704
COYNE, JERRY A The genetics of an isolating mechanism between two sibling species of Drosophila ...778

COYNE, JERRY A, AND H ALLEN ORR Further evidence against meiotic drive models of hybrid sterility ...685

CRAIG, TIMOTHY P, JOANNE K ITAMI, WARREN G ABRAHAMSON, AND JOHN D HORNER Behavioral evidence for hostrace formation in Eurosta solidaginis ...1696

CRUZAN, MITCHELL B, AND MICHAEL L ARNOLD Ecological and genetic associations in an Iris hybrid zone...1432

CRUZAN, MITCHELL B, AND SPENCER C H BARRETT Contribution of cryptic incompatibility to the mating system of Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae) ...925

DAjoz, ISABELLE, IRtNE TILLBoTTRAUD, AND PIERREHENRi GOUYON Pollen aperture polymorphism and gametophyte performance in Viola diversifolia ...1080

DE LOPE, F, AND A P MOLLER Female reproductive effort depends on the degree of ornamentation to their mates ...152

DE QUEIROZ, ALAN, AND PETER H WIMBERGER The usefulness of behavior for phylogeny estimation: levels of homoplasy in behavioral and morphological characters ...46

DEGNAN, SANDIE M Genetic variability and population differentiation inferred from DNA fingerprinting in silvereyes (Aves: Zosteropidae) ...1105

DICKINSON, W J, YIFAN YANG, Kim SCHUSKE, AND MICHAEL AyAm Conservation of molecular prepattems during the evolution of cuticle morphology in Drosophila larvae ...1396

DOLE, JEFFREY, AND KERMIT RITLAND Inbreeding depression in two Mimulus taxa measured by multi generational changes in the inbreeding coefficient ...361

EDWARDS, SCOTT V. Mitochondrial gene genealogy and gene flow among island and mainland populations of a sedentary songbird, the grey-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus temporalis)...1118

DANIEL PIRERO Direct and indirect estimates of neighborhood and effective population size in a tropical palm, Astrocaryum mexicanum ...75

ETGES, WILLIAM J Genetics of hostcactus response and lifehistory evolution among ancestral and derived populations of cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis ...750

FOX, CHARLES W A quantitative genetic analysis of oviposition preference and larval performance on two hosts in the bruchid beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus. ...166

FRANK, STEVEN A A model of inducible defense ...325

FRANK, STEVEN A Evolution of hostparasite diversity. ...1721

FRY, JAMES D The "general vigor" problem: Can antagonistic pleiotropy be detected when genetic covariances are positive? ...327

FUTUYMA, DOUGLAS J, MARK C KEESE, AND SONJA J SCHEFFER Genetic constraints and the phylogeny of insectplant associations: responses of Ophraella communa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to host plants of its congeners. ...888

GABRIEL, W, M LYNCH, AND R BORGER Muller's ratchet and mutational meltdowns ...1744

GALEN, CANDACE Cost of reproduction in Polemonium viscosum: phenotypic and genetic approaches ...1073

GALLANA, AGusTi, ANDRtS MOYA, AND FRANCISCO J AYALA Founderflush speciation in Drosophila pseudoobscura: a largescale experiment ...432

GALLANT, S L, R F PREZIOSI, AND D J FAIRBAIRN Clinical variation in eastern populations of the waterstrider Aquarius remigis: gradual intergradation or discontinuity? ...957


GILBURN, A. S., S. P. FOSTER, AND T. H. DAY. Genetic correlation between a fernale mating preference and the preferred male character in seaweed flies (Coelopafrigida) ...1788

GILL, FRANK B, ALISON M MOSTROM, AND ANDREW L MACK Speciation in North Amercian chickadees: 1 Patterns of mtDNA genetic divergence ...195

GoDT, MARY JO W., AND J. L. HAMRICK Patterns and levels of pollenmediated gene flow in Lathyrus latifiblius ...98

GOLDING, BRIAN Maximumlikelihood estimates of selection coefficients from DNA sequence data ...1420

GRATSON, MICHAEL A Sexual selection for increased male courtship and acoustic signals and against large male size at sharptailed grouse leks. ...691

GROSBERG, R. K., AND T. M. CARO The challenges of natural selection ...1893

GUILFORD, Tim, AND MARIAN STAMP DAWKINS Are warning colors handicaps? ...400

GUYER, CRAIG, AND JOSEPH B SLOWINSKI Adaptive radiation and the topology of large phylogenies ...253

HAIG, SUSAN M, JAMES R BELTHOFF, AND DAVID H ALLEN Examination of  population structure in red cockaded woodpeckers using DNA profiles...185

HAuFFE, HEIDI C, AND JEREMY B SEARLE Extreme karyotypic variation in a Mus musculus domesticus hybrid zone: the tobacco mouse story revisited ...1374

HILL, GEOFFREY E Male mate choice and the evolution of female Plumage coloration in the house finch ...1515

HoiKKALA, ANNELI, AND JouNi Aspi Criteria of female mate choice in Drosophila littoralis, D montana,and D ezoana ...768

HOLLOWAY, GRAHAM J, PETER W DE JONG, AND MART OTTENHEIM The genetics and the cost of chemical defense in the twospot ladybird (Adalia bipunctata L) ...1229

HOWARD, DANIEL J., GWENDOLYN L. WARING, C. ALANA TIBBETS, AND PAMELA G. GREGORY Survival of hybrids in a mosaic hybrid zone ...789

HUNTER, CYNTHIA L. Genotypic variation and clonal structure in cotal populations with different disturbance histories ...1213

JOHANNESSON, KERSTIN, Bo JOHANNESSON, AND EMILIO RoLANALvAREz Morphological Differentiation and genetic cohesiveness over a microenvironmental gradient in the marine snail Littorinasaxatilis...1770

JOSHI, AmITABH, AND LAURENCE D MUELLER Directional and stabilizing density-dependent natural selection for pupation height in Drosophila melanogaster ...176

KAmBHAMPATI, SRrNivAs, KARAmirr S RAI, AND STEPHEN J BURGUN Unidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility in the mosquito, Aedes alboPictus ...673

KELLY, CAROL A. Quantitative genetics of size and phenology of lifehistory traits in Chamaecrista fasciculata ...88

KIM, JUNHYONG, F JAMES ROHLF, AND ROBERT R SoKAL The accuracy of phylogenetic estimation using the neighborjoining method ...471

KING, LYNN MERTENS Origins of genotypic variation in North American dandelions inferred from ribosomal DNA and chloroplast DNA restriction enzyme analysis ...136

KING, RICHARD B. Colorpattern variation in Lake Erie water snakes: prediction and measurement of natural selection ...1819

KIRKPATRICK, MARK, AND MONTGOMERY SLATKIN Searching for evolutionary patterns in the shape of aphylogenetic tree. ...1171

KLINGENBERG, CHRISTIAN PETER, AND JOHN R SPENCE Heterochrony and allometry: lessons from the water strider genus Limnoporits ...1834

KORONA, RYSZARD, AND BRUCE R LEVIN Phagemediated selection and the evolution and Maintenance of restriction modification ...556

LAGOMARSrNO, IRMA V., AND DAVID 0. CONOVER. Variaton in environmental and genotypic sex determining mechanisms across a latitudinal gradient in the fish, Menidia menidia ...487

LESSIOS, H. A., AND C. W. CUNNINGHAM The evolution of gametic incompatibility in Neotropical Echinometra: a reply to McClary ...1883

LLOYD, DAVID G, AND CURTIS M LIVELY Counting genes in models of biparental Inbreeding. ...1874

LOPFZSUAREZ, CRISTINA, MIGUEL A TORO, AND CARLOS GARCIA Genetic heterogeneity increases viability in competing groups of Drosophila hydei ...977

MADSEN, THomAs, AND RICHARD SHINE. Phenotypic plasticity in body sizes and sexual size dimorphism in European grass snakes. ...321

MARCOGLIESE, DAVID J, AND DAVID K CONE What metazoan parasites tell us about the evolution of American and European eels. ...1632

MARIN, IGNACIO, ALFREDO Ruiz, CARLEs PLA, AND ANTONIO FoNTDEVILA. Reproductive relationships among ten species of the Drosophila repleta group from South America and the West Indies. ...1616

MCSHEA, DANIEL W Errata: evolutionary change in the morphological complexity of the mammalian vertebral column. ...1286

MCSHEA, DANIEL W Evolutionary change in the morphological complexity of the mammalian vertebral column. ...730

MEHARG, ANDREw A., QUINTON J. CUMBES, AND MARK R. MACNAIR. Preadaptation of Yorkshire fog, Holcus lanatus,L (Poaceae) to arsenate tolerance ...313

MERCURE, ALAN, KATHERINE RALLs, KLAUS P. KOEPFLI, AND ROBERT K. WAYNE Genetic subdivisions among small canids: mitochondrial DNA differentiation of swift, kit, and arctic foxes. ...1313

MICHALAKIS, YANNis, ANDREw W SHEPPARD, VALtRIE NOEL, AND ISABELLE OLIVIERI. Population structure of a herbivorous insect and its host plant on a microgeographic scale. ...1611

MILLER, RICHARD E, AND NoRmA L FOWLER Variation in reaction norms among populations of Bouteloua rigidiseta. ...1446

MITCHELL, RANDALL J Adaptive Significance of Ipomopsis aggregata nectar production: observation and experiment in the field ...25

MOLINAFREANER, FRANCISCO, AND SUBODH K JAIN Inbreeding effects in a gynodioecious population of the colonizing species Trifolium hirtum All ...1472

MOLLER, ANDERS PAPE Sexual selection in the bam swallow Hirundo rustica 111 Female tail ornaments ...417

MORRIS, PAUL J The developmental role of the extracellular matrix suggests a monophyletic origin of the kingdom Animalia. ...152

NEYFAKH, ALEXANDER A., AND DANIEL L. HARTL Genetic control of the rate of embryonic development: selection for faster development at elevated temperatures. ...1625

NuNNEY, LEONARD The influence of mating system and overlapping generations on effective population size ...1329

NuNNEY, LEONARD, AND ANN EILEEN MILLER BAKER The role of deme size, reproductive patterns, and dispersal in the dynamics of tlethal haplotypes ...1342

O'NEIL, PAMELA, AND JOHANNA SCHMITT Genetic constraints on the independent evolution of male and female reproductive characters in the tristylous Plant Lythrum salicaria ...1457

O'REILLY, P., T. E. REIMCHEN, R. BEECH, AND C. STROIJECK Mitochondrial DNA in Gasterosteus and Pleistocene glacial refugium on the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. ...678

ORR H. ALLEN A. mathematical model of Haldane's rule ...1606

PAIGE, KEN N, AND WILLIAM C CAPMAN The effects ofhostplant genotype, hybridization, and environment on gallaphid attack and survival in cottonwood: the importance of genetic studies and the utility of RFLPs ...36

PARTRIDGE, LINDA, AND KEVIN FOWLER Responses and correlated responses to artificial selection on thorax length in Drosophila melanogaster. ...213

PAULSEN, SUSAN M, AND H FREDERIK NUHOUT. Phenotypic correlation structure among elements of the color pattern in Precis coenia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) ...593

PEAKALL, ROD, AND STEVEN N HANDEL Pollinators discriminate among floral heights of a sexually deceptive orchid: implications for selection. ...1681

PFENNIG, D W, AND H K REEVE Nepotism in a solitary wasp as revealed by DNA fingerprinting. ...700

PHILLIPS, PATRICK C Peak shifts and polymorphiSM during phase three of Wright's Shifting balance process. ...1733

PLATENKAMP, GERRIT A. J., AND RUTH G SHAW Environmental and genetic maternal effects on seed characters in Nemophila menziesii. ...540

POSTHUMA, LEO, RENt F. HOGERVORST, ELs N. G. JOOSSE,, AND Nico M. VAN STRAALEN. Genetic variation and covariation for characteristics associated with cadmium tolerance in natural populations of the springtail Orchesella cincta (L) ...619

PRICE, TREVOR, MICHAEL TURELLI, AND MONTGOMERY SLATKIN Peak shifts produced by correlated response to selection. ...280

RAUSHER, MARK D, DAVID AUGUSTINE, AND Amy VANDERKooi Absence of pollen discounting in a genotype of Ipomoea purpurea exhibiting increased selfing ...688

READ, ANDREW F, AND SEAN NEE Haldane's coincidence: a reply to Brookfield ...1888

RICE, WILLIAM R. AND ELLEN E. HOSTERT Laboratory experiments on speciation: What have we learned in forty years? ...1637

RIGNEY, LISA P. JAMES D. THOMSON, MITCHELL B. CRUZAN, AND JOHANNE BRUNET Differential succes of pollen donors in a selfcompatible lily ...915

RoFF, D. A., AND D. J. FAiRBAIRN The evolution of alternate morphologies: fitness and wing morphology in male sandcrickets...1572

RoININEN, HEIKKI, JuKKA VuoRYNEN, JoRmA TAHvANAiNEN, AND RIITTA JuLKuNEN-TIITTO. Host preference and allozyme differentiation in shoot galling sawfly, Euura atra. ...300

ROPER, CAROLINE, PATRICIA PIGNATELLI, AND LINDA PARTRIDGE Evolutionary effects of selection on age at reproduction in larval and adult Drosophild melanogaster ...445

Ross, KENNETH G, AND D DEWAYNE SHOEMAKER An unusual pattern of gene flow between the two social forms of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta ...1595

Roy, B A Patterns of rust infection as a function of host genetic diversity and host density in natural populations of the apornictic crucifer, Arabis holboellii. ...111

RUBEN, JOHN Powered flight in Archaeopteryx: response to Speakman. ...935

RUZZANTE, DANIEL E, AND ROGER W DOYLE. Evolution of social behavior in a Resource rich, structured environment: selection experiments with medaka (Oryzias latipes). ...456

RYAN, MICHAEL J, AND A STANLEY RAND Species recognition and sexual selection as a unitary problem in animal communication. ...647

SkTRE, GLENN-PETER, MIROSLAV KRAL,AND VIITESLAV BICIK. Experimental evidence for Interspecific female mimicry in sympatric Ficedula flycatchers. ...939

SAKAI, SATOKI Allocation to attractive structures in animal-pollinated flowers ...1711

SANDERSON, MICHAEL J Reversibility in evolution: a maximum likelihood approach to character gain/loss bias in phylogenies. ...236

SAVALLI, UDo M An application of the neutral model to the evolution of tail length in the genus Euplectes (Aves, Ploceidae) ...696

SAVOLARIMN, EiNo, ANssi SAURA, AND JARKKo HANTuLA Mode of swarming in relation to reproductive isolation in mayflies. ...1796

SCHLUTER, DOLPH, AND LARS GUSTAFSSON Matemal inheritance of condition and clutch size in the collared flycatcher ...658

SCHMID, BERNHARD, AND JACOB WEINER Plastic relationships between reproductive and vegetative mass in Solidago altissima. ...61

SCHMITT, JOHANNA Reaction norms of morphological and lifehistory traits to light availability in Impatiens capensis ...1654

ScHuLTz, ERIC T. The effect of birth date on fitness of female dwarf perch,  Micrometrus minimus (Perciformes: Embiotocidae)...520

SCRIBNER, Kim T Hybrid zone dynamics are influenced by genotypespecific variation in lifehistory traits: experimental evidence from hybridizing Gambusia species ...632

SCRIBNER, Kim T., JUSTIN D. CONGDON, RONALD K. CHESSER, AND MICHAEL H. SMITH Annual differences in female reproductive success affect spatial and cohortspecific genotypic heterogeneity in painted turtles ...1360

SEARCY, KAREN B, AND MARK R MACNAIR Developmental selection in response to environmental conditions of the maternal parent in Mimulus guttatus. ...13

SEIDL, SANDRA E., AND BETHLA KING Sexratio manipulation by the parasitoid wasp Muscidifurax raptor in response to host size ...1876

SEMLITSCH, RAYMOND D Adaptive genetic variation in growth and development of tadpoles of the hybridogenetic Rana
esculenta complex ...1805

SEMLITSCH, RAYMOND D Asymmetric competition in mixed populations of tadpoles of the hybridogenetic Rana esculenta complex ...510

SERVICE, PHILIP M. Laboratory evolution of longevity and reproductive fitness components in male fruitflies: mating ability ...387

SHAw, RUTH G, AND GERRIT A J PLATENKAMP Quantitative genetics of response to competitors in Nemophila menziesii: a greenhouse study ...801

SIDDALL, MARK E, DANIEL R BROOKS, AND SHERWIN S DEssER Phylogeny and the reversibility of parasitism ...308

SILLEN-TULLBERG, BIRGITTA. The effect of biased inclusion of taxa on the correlation between discrete characters in phylogenetic trees. ...1182

SILVA, PEDRO J N, AND DANIEL E DYKHuizFN The increased potential for selection of the lac operon of Escherichia coli ...741

SIMMS, ELLEN L, AND MARK D RAUSHER Patterns of selection on phytophage resistance in Ipomoea purpurea ...970

SLATKIN, MONTGOMERY Isolation by distance in equilibrium and nonequilibrium populations ...264

SPEAKMAN, J R Flight capabilities in Archaeopteryx ...336

SPICER, GREG S Morphological evolution of the Drosophila virilis species group as assessed by rate tests for natural selection on quantitative characters ...1240

STRONG, DONALD R, STIG LARSSON, AND URBAN GULLBERG Heritability of host plant resistance to herbivory changes with gallmidge density during an outbreak on willow ...291

SULTAN, S. E., AND F. A. BAzzAz Phenotypic plasticity in Polygonum persicaria 1 Diversity and uniformity in genotypic norms of reaction to light ...1009

SULTAN, S. E., AND F. A. BAzzAz Phenotypic plasticity in Polygonum persicaria 11 Norms of reaction to soil moisture and the maintenance of genetic diversity ...1032

SULTAN, S. E., AND F. A. BazzAz. Phenotypic plasticity in Polygonum persicaria 111. The evolution of ecological breadth for nutrient environment ...1050

SWIDERSKI, DONALD L Morphological evolution of the scapula in tree squirrels, chipmunks, and ground squirrels (Sciuridae): an analysis using thinplate splines. ...1854

TATAR, MARC, JAMES R CAREY, AND JAMES W VAUPEL Longterm cost of reproduction with and without accelerated senescence in Callosobruchus maculatus: analysis of age-specific mortality ...1302

TAYLOR, ERIC B, AND PAUL BENTZEN Evidence for multiple origins and sympatric divergence of trophic ecotypes of smelt (Osmerus) in northeastern North America. ...813

THOMAS, R. D. K., AND W. E. REIF. The skeleton space: a finite set of organic designs ...341

THOMPSON, JOHN N Preference hierarchies and the origin of geographic specialization in host use in swallowtail butterflies ...1585

TOMPKINS, LAURIE, SCOTT P McROBERT, AND KENNETH Y KANESHIRO Chemical communication in Hawaiian Drosophila ...1407

TONSOR, STEPHEN J, SUSAN KALISZ, JILL FISHER, AND TIMOTHY P HOLTSFORD A lifehistory based study of population genetic structure: seed bank to adults in Plantago lanceolata ...833

Tuomi, JURA, AND MAGNUS AUGNER Synergistic selection of unpalatability in plants ...668

VAN TREUREN, R., R. BULSMA, N. J. OUBORG, AND W. VAN DELDEN The effects of population size and plant density on outcrossing rates in locally endangered Salvia pratensis ...1094

VAN TREUREN, R., R. BULSMA, N. J. OUBORG, AND W. VAN DELDEN The significance of genetic erosion in the process of extinction IV Inbreeding depression and heterosis effects caused by selfing and outcrossing in Scabiosa columbaria ...1669

VEIGA, Jose' P Badge size, phenotypic quality, and reproductive success in the house sparrow: a study on honest advertisement ...1161

VOGLER, ALFRIED P, AND ROB DESALLE Phylogeeographic patterns in coastal North American tiger beetles (Cicindela dorsalis Say) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences ...1192

WEARY, D M, T C GUILFORD, AND R G WEISMAN A product of discriminative learning may lead to female preferences for elaborate males ...333

WEDELL, NINA Spermatophore size in bushcrickets: comparative evidence for nuptial gifts as a sperm protection device ...1203

WEIDER, LAWRENCE J A test of the "generalpurpose" genotype hypothesis: differential tolerance to thermal and salinity stress among Daphnia clones ...965

WHITLOCK, MICHAEL C, PATRICK C PHILLIPS, AND MICHAEL J WADE Gene interaction affects the additive genetic variance in subdivided populations with migration and extinction...1758

WILLIS, JOHN H Effects of different levels of inbreeding on fitness components in Mimulus guttatus ...864

WILLIS, JOHN H, AND H ALLEN ORR Increased heritable variation following population bottlenecks: the role of dominance ...949

WINTERBOTTom, RICHARD, AND DEBORAH A MCLENNAN Cladogram versatility: evolution and biogeography of acanthuroid fishes ...1557

WOLFE, LORNE M Inbreeding depression in Hydrophyllum appendiculatum: role of maternal effects, crowding, and parental mating history ...374

ZINK, ROBERT M, AND DONNA L DiTTmANN Gene flow, refugia, and evolution of geographic variation In the songsparrow (Melospizamelodia) ...717